
Product attributes

XML tag CSV column Declaration Data type

epoq Search/

epoq Advise

epoq Inspire/

epoq Connect

g:id productId A clear identification of the product. Text
Großer roter Kreis
Großer roter Kreis
title name The name of the product. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
link productUrl The absolute URL to the product detail page. URL Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
g:price price Current price in Euro. Set the "currency" attribute for other currencies. Double Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
g:image_link smallImage

The absolute URL to the (small) product image.

Here we recommend, to provide the images all in a uniform size.

URL Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
description description The description of the product. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
g:product_type category

The category of the product. Subcategories can be clarified by ">".

See also the section "How to specify multiple categories".


Großer grüner Kreis

Großer grüner Kreis
g:brand brand The brand of the product. Text Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
e:variant_of variantOf

Indicates whether the product is a special variant of another product.

See also section "How to hand over main products and variants".

Text Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
e:recommendable recommendable Indicates whether the product should appear in the epoq recommendations. Text   Großer grüner Kreis
g:quantity quantity Indicates how many copies are in stock (0 for no longer in stock). int Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
g:condition condition The condition of the product (new, used). Text Großer grüner Kreis  
g:color color The color of the product. Text Großer grüner Kreis  
g:size size The size of the product, e.g. 36, 38, 40, XL, XXL. Text Großer grüner Kreis  
e:sizes_Info sizesInfo

Size # quantity # original price # price # linkID # special price (e.g. customer price) separated with "|".

See also the section "How to transfer the availability of individual sizes".

Text Großer grüner Kreis  
e:large_image largeImage The absolute URL to a large product image. URL    
e:locakey locaKey Defines the language of the entry if the catalog is available in several languages. (e.g. en). Text    
e:currency currency Should be indicated if a currency other than Euro is to be used. Text Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis





Indicates how long an item normally takes to reach the customer. int    
e:newArticle  newArticle Indicates whether the article is a novelty. boolean Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
e:accessories accessories A list of compatible accessories; productIds separated by ",". Text   Großer grüner Kreis
e:crosssell crosssell A list of cross selling items; productIds separated by ",". Text    
e:ean ean Product labeling for commercial articles. Text    
e:old_price oldprice Old price of the article. If an article is reduced, the reduced price is shown in the field "price". double Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
e:gender gender Indicates the gender for which the product is intended. Text    
e:season season Indicates the season of the product. Text    
e:sale sale Indicates whether the product is on sale. boolean    



Großer roter Kreis necessary
Großer grüner Kreis epoq recommends


Content attributes

XML tag CSV column Declaration Data type

epoq Search/

epoq Advise

epoq Inspire/

epoq Connect

g:id productId A clear identification of the content. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
title name The name of the content. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
link productUrl The absolute URL to the content detail page. URL Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
description description The description of the content. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis


shortDescription The short description of the content. Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
tags tags A list of compatible content, separated by ",". Text Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
g:image_link smallImage The absolute URL to the (small) content image. Here we recommend that the images are all provided in a uniform size. URL Großer roter Kreis Großer roter Kreis
g:product_type category

The category of the content. Subcategories can be clarified by ">".

See also the section "How to specify multiple categories".

Text Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
e:recommendable recommendable Indicates whether the content should appear in the epoq recommendations. Text   Großer grüner Kreis
e:large_image largeImage The absolute URL to a large content image. URL    
e:locakey locaKey Defines the language of the entry if the catalog is available in several languages. (e.g. en). Text    
published published Date of publication. int Großer grüner Kreis Großer grüner Kreis
updated updated Time of the last update. int    
author author Name of the content author. Text    



Großer roter Kreis necessary
Großer grüner Kreis epoq recommends


Additional attributes

If you need other attributes than the predefined ones, this is no problem. You can pass them yourself according to the guidelines of XML and CSV. The following points show how other attributes can be transferred.



With the XML format you can simply pass them in the custom namespace "c:" in the following form:

Catalog format XML

<c:engine type="string">2.5l TDI</c:engine>

Here the data type is variable. Integers, boolean values or others can be transmitted in the same way.



With CSV format you can simply add an additional column:

Catalog format CSV

3435x5;CarAB;;14999.99;2.5l TD

The new attribute name in the header and the corresponding values in the following lines must be added.

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