

This API allows clients to update their catalog data using Google Base CSV or JSON format. Clients can specify the type of update (FULL or DELTA) and provide their catalog information accordingly. The API endpoint expects a POST request with the catalog data and necessary parameters.




  • tenantId (required): The client ID.
  • type (required): The type of catalog update. Possible values are FULL or DELTA.

Request Headers

  • Authorization: A bearer token for authentication.
  • Content-Type: The format of the catalog data. Supported formats are application/csv or application/json.

Request Body

The request body should contain the catalog data in either CSV or JSON format.

CSV Format

The CSV should contain the following columns (see catalog format documentation for more detail):

  • productId: The unique identifier for the product.
  • name: The name of the product.
  • productUrl: The URL to the product.
  • price: The price of the product.
  • smallImage: The URL to a small image of the product.
  • description: A description of the product.
  • category: The category of the product.
  • brand: The brand of the product.
  • variantOf: The variant of the product (if applicable).
  • recommendable: Indicates whether the product is recommendable.
  • quantity: The quantity of the product available.


Example CSV:


12345,Example Product,,19.99,,"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",Electronics,Example Brand,,true,10


JSON Line Format

Each line in the request body should be a JSON document with the following structure:

 "productId": "12345",
 "name": "Example Product",
 "productUrl": "",
 "price": 19.99,
 "smallImage": "",
 "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
 "category": "Electronics",
 "brand": "Example Brand",
 "variantOf": “12345-a”,
 "recommendable": true,
 "quantity": 10



  • 200 OK: The catalog update was successful.
  • Other HTTP status codes may be returned for different error scenarios.


curl -X POST \
'' \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer NT***=' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/csv' \
  -T 'catalog.csv'




  • Make sure to replace the bearer token with the appropriate authentication token.
  • Ensure that the CSV or JSON data provided adheres to the specified format and column requirements.
  • The tenantId parameter should be replaced with the client's unique identifier.
  • Choose the appropriate type parameter value based on the type of catalog update required.


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